What should I know before buying concrete grinding discs?

2019-04-16 12:07:49 323

Generally, before buying concrete grinding discs, there are 2 things that you should know:

Professional Concrete Grinding Disc Manufacturers - Sunny Superhard Tools1) The diamond grit of diamond grinding disc you need.

Diamond grain and bond (metal bond & resin bond) formed a diamond segment. Diamond grain has lots of different grit to do different works. Diamond grit from 6# to 220# is usually used on metal bonded segment, for grinding concrete/terrazzo floors. While the diamond grit above 220# is used on resin bonded segment, for polishing works. 

For grinding, there are coarse/rough grinding, medium grinding and fine grinding. The following guide maybe can help you to choose the right grit and shape of the diamond segment.

  • 6#, 16# - for coarse/rough grinding - the segment shape we recommend arrow shape, wave shape or segment bar, which have a high efficiency. 

  • 36#, 60#, 80# - for medium grinding - the segment shape we recommend segment bar.

  • 120#, 180#, 220# - for fine grinding - the segment shape we recommend round shape, which results in less scratch.

2) The hardness of the concrete floor to be ground.

The concrete floor hardness is a very important parameter. We make different bond corresponding to the concrete hardness. The concrete hardness and the bond hardness should be the opposite. For an example, if the concrete hardness is hard, then we should use the soft bond. 

For our standard, we divide concrete floors into 7 grades:

  • Xtreme Hard 

  • Very Hard

  • Hard

  • Medium-Hard

  • Soft

  • Very Soft.

Some countries maybe have only 3 grades like Hard, Medium Hard and Soft. The standard is different, so providing us the PSI or MPA of the concrete floor to be ground is a more efficient way.

Please check our concrete hardness standard and corresponding colors as below:


Xtreme HardVery HardHardMedium HardSoftVery Soft

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